Saturday, August 25, 2007

More Profound Than Gavity

A warm, and of late, very humid East Texas - Howdy to you folks; my name is Rick Denny, and I am the Publisher for the real live man, and genuinely nice guy, who goes by the pseudonym -- that's "Fake Name," for all you dollar-worded readers out there:

SEEKER FINDER --- is his name.

And for very good reason, which will all become ever so clear to you, in the next 60 seconds or so of reading.

In the very near future SEEKER FINDER will indeed be contributing to this Blog, and please do trust me when I tell you that he has a vast catalog of profoundly interesting things to write about. Though, not until your's truly, his preferred manner of communication is indeed, the spoken word. But, since you're reading, I'm-a writing.

For the moment, he is rather consumed in his preparations for delivering the next Episode of his 4 weeks running PodCast to his ever faithful and rapidly growing International fans and listeners.

That said, why don't you yourself come and join in. SEEKER FINDER is without a doubt the most spiritually experienced and knowledgeable man in the world today. And he says some extremely provocative things that get bad hearted hypocrites all riled up.

Just as an example: He teaches people all around the world, that God has never called his people Christian, not ever. The proof is in the Bible Christians read all the time, some every day. And that what Religious Preachers teach about God demanding you give up 10% of your money to the church for the rest of your life is a Demonic lie. --- Perhaps now you can understand why the man has remained in moderate seclusion and is only now coming out to share all he knows with the World through a Podcast, under the protection of a pseudonym. He's no stranger to the acts of hatred that religious adherents, --- those that claim to be filled with the very love of God, --- are known to exact against those who, in this case, know far more about matters of the Spirit then their spiritually unqualified, academically trained "Preachers" are even capable of.

Now, if topics of religion bore you as it does the vast majority of the worlds population --- you can bet you won't be bored with what this very rare and unique man has to say. I dare say, he's never lost an argument regarding the things he talks about, and a number of Religious Preacher-types have quit their job with the old 5o1-c3 Corporation, the Religious Institution made by man and not by God, to do something of importance with their life. One young Seminary Student quit his Preacher Prep School to go and live in a village of poor tribal people to help them with food crops, sanitation issues, and modern medicines; actually helping them without trying to change their culturally ways. --- You may know that Religious "Missionary's" are sent out into the dark corners of the world to change the natives into Conservative, Republican, Denominational adherents. And while the Missionaries are living their, they live separate from the people, and unlike the people, they have come to take credit for altering.

So, if you want proof that spirits are real and active all around you; if you want to hear true-life stories of miracles in modern times --- SEEKER FINDER is "Thee" Man.

SEEKER FINDER even talks about his experience with demons, of his own interaction with demons in his early years, before he knew any better, and of being called upon to cast them out of people and successfully doing so; If you want to be astonished, amazed, profoundly educated, and greatly entertained, all which have virtually nothing to do with Gravity. Dial into:

If you're a religious adherent that loves to hate people who just will not support your special clubs manners, methods, teachings and ways? ---- one and all, and all in one --- Click on the magnificent work of art, humbly provided by your's truly, and you will find all that, and much, much more.

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